Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bed Rest

Well, today is day one of my bed rest.  Let's just say that I am bored, shall we?

Yesterday I finally caved and called my ObGyn to discuss my contractions.  I get them a lot, particularly when I am seated then stand, or laying down then stand.  Walking around can be a chore.  Also, Samantha wasn't as wiggly as normal, and that concerned me.  Off to the doc we went!  As I was being hooked up to the machine that would monitor contractions and Samantha's heartrate, the little booger started wiggling around, happy as a clam.  Also, the contractions stopped.  Sigh....now that I look like a lunatic, let's move on.

So, Doc put me on bedrest!  Apparently gravity is taking it's toll on my body, due to my larger-than-her-gestational-age daughter.  She's already in position and has dropped so that she's pushing on my cervix and causing the contractions.  Thankfully, I am not dilated yet :)  The bedrest is so that I stay gravity-neutral in attempts to pull her up just a bit and stop the contractions.  I can get up and around the house a bit (and am encouraged to do so to prevent blood clots) and take short outings to the chiropractor and doc's office, but otherwise, I am to stay quiet.

So, now I am on a quest to find a good study, a good book, a good movie....anything to keep occupied!  Suggestions are welcome :)


  1. awh Shannen!! well better to keep baby girl where she is a bit longer xx will pray for you :) until then....I recommend studying the Song of Solomon xxx

  2. Hi Shannen, I hope your bedrest is going ok for you!
