Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013: My One Word

2012 started off with My One Word, which was "joy".  With all that happened in 2012, I had some struggles, but ultimately came out with a better understanding of joy.  This year, I am doing it a little different.  Instead of a word, I am choosing a verse.  Galations 5:22-23  "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

My intention is to study one fruit per month or so, and adding in righteousness, truth, and character to round out the year.

January- love
February- joy
March- peace
April- patience
May- kindness
June- goodness
July- faithfulness
August- gentleness
September- self-control
October- righteousness
November- truth
December- character

Each week of a month I will add in a different verse, based on that month's fruit, and study it for the week.  I hope to post my studies once a week-- or at least monthly, as daily just isn't feasible with my responsibilities at home.

I pray that some of you will join me on this study, and post your comments as we go.  Bring it on, 2013.  I am ready for you!

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea! I still chose one word for 2013.... mercy. Micah 6:8 was the inspiration for my word choice. Can't wait to read your posts!
