Sunday, January 8, 2012

Days 3 and 4: Diversions

Yesterday I was unable to find time to log on.  Funny how that is nowadays.  I barely have time to shower, much less anything else. Today is a different story.  Today I have time, or tonight I guess I should say.

There are times that ending the day with joy is next to impossible.  There are days when it's just too dark to do, days when the sorrow is too much to overcome.  I want to find my joy today, but am resigned to the fact that it isn't going to happen.

Instead of searching scripture for my verse on joy, I am going to search for a name for another baby in heaven.  This one gone before we could even celebrate, gone before many even knew he or she existed.

Tonight I am not joyful; I am numb.  I know that sounds harsh, I know that I am to seek comfort in God and seek my joy in Him, but I am still hurting and just can't find that joy tonight.

I don't promise to always succeed in finding joy in this blog, but I do promise to be open and real.  There it is today...


  1. It's not only normal, but completely ok to be numb right now. I'm so sorry for the loss of another sweet baby. Praying for you friend.
