Sunday, February 6, 2011

Baby Samantha Update

Well, we are into the second half of our pregnancy.  Doug and I still can't really believe we are here.  I feel her little kicks and wiggles, my body is changing and I am still throwing up.  But yet it still doesn't feel real yet.  I still am having difficulties wrapping my brain around the fact that we are expecting a baby girl this summer.  After all we have been through, I am still scared to really try to picture it.  I still feel a little too fragile for it.  I can speak in terms of "after she arrives," I just can't picture it in my head.

I am, though, enjoying this pregnancy (puking and all).  While slightly traumatized that people think I am further along than I am (or that I am carrying twins) I do enjoy this baby belly that I am sporting.  Below is a series of photos shot this afternoon of my baby belly...enjoy!  (and keep the giggles to yourself please!!)

The view looking down....can't seem to find my feet!


  1. Shannen, I love the pictures and love your blog! So happy for you!!
    Kristi (from HP)

  2. Yay! I've been meaning to ask to see pictures of the baby belly for awhile! You are so cute. :)

  3. oh my goodness! I LOVE the pictures of your beautiful self & belly! what an awesome miracle. still praying for her safe arrival!
    (ahull2911, Alex from HP)

  4. Shannen, you and Samantha are so beautiful!!
    Love it.
