Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One year ago today a little baby entered the world, born just a few precious moments before it would have been too late for her to be able to survive.  This little miracle baby spent 8 days in the NICU, fought hard to regain her strength, and came finally came home with her loving parents in early June.

By the grace of God, my baby girl is here with us, alive, thriving, laughing, giggling, chattering, crawling, speaking and loving.  Here are a few little things that we know about our precious baby girl:

  • She loves her "dee-gees" (doggies) and tries to snuggle with them.
  • She has her little routine that she loves in the morning of drinking her bottle then snuggling up with Daddy to wake him for work.  
  • She claps her hands when I change her diaper.  
  • She laughs when she crawls behind something and "hides".  
  • She sneaks food to her "dee-gees" when she's done eating.  
  • She can crawl a full flight of stairs, and will not hesitate to try to come down on her own, much to my dismay.  
  • She loves water and will drink several sippy cups a day.  
  • She is a fabulous snuggler and will pat my shoulder when she's falling asleep for her nap (I pat her back to when I snuggle her settle her down when she cries).
  • She loves her glow-worm and will cry if I put him in the toy bucket-- Glow-worm has a special spot on the toy shelf.
  • She loves to eat meat; bbq, burger, chicken, steak.
  • She doesn't like many veggies.
  • She's tough, a fighter and hard-headed like her Mommy.
  • She loves to take things apart and try to put them back together like her Daddy.
I could go on and on...this little girl is just so amazing!

Happy first birthday, Samantha!  I thank God for you every day, and know that He must have some pretty amazing things planned for you!

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